Damned Lies And Statistics

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There are three kinds of lies. What's the meaning of the phrase 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics'?This saying has a literal meaning.

Who really said, 'There are lies, damned lies, and statistics'—Mark Twain or Benjamin Disraeli? Best, professor of sociology at the University of Delaware.


It suggests that statisyics can be used to mislead even more than the worst form of untruth. What's the origin of the phrase 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics'?This quotation is oftenattributed to Benjamin Disraeli, the 19th century British Prime Minister. The source for this viewis the autobiography of Mark Twain, where he makes that attribution. Nevertheless, no versionof this quotation has been found in any of Disraeli's published works or letters.

Quest for Glory 3: Wages of War is the third in a series of hydrid RPG adventure games by Sierra On-Line. This continues after Quest for Glory 2: Trial by Fire. You can name your character, and choose to play as different character classes which have different puzzle solutions. Quest for glory 3. Therefore, Quest for Glory III: Wages of War was created instead with the game just hinting at the whereabouts of Ad Avis and saving that particular plotline for Shadows of Darkness, which was changed to the fourth in the series.

Damned Lies And Statistics

An early reference to the expression, which may explain Twain's assertion is found in a speech made by LeonardH.