Illusion Of Gaia Hamlet
Part 29: In Which Will Attends a BarbecueSince were on our way back, its a good time to hang out in line before things go any further. It takes a while, but one by one characters in line will move inside and then rejoin at the back of the line.Wait, what?Rolek manages this store, too. Bed bug laundry detergent walmart.
Here is some information about the character Hamlet. Illusion of Gaia - Character - Hamlet Hamlet is Kara's pet pig, and he helps Will out at a few different spots. How long is Illusion of Gaia? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!
I understand, please take whatever you like.The first upgrade is a straightforward Life Boost. Not sure if this is what people meant about a hidden boost, but this is what we have.
Those people in line who keep circling around must have a TON of life.Weve actually already gotten the second upgrade, which is a boost to Dark Friars power. Getting all of the Red Jewels let us pick it up a bit earlier, but you do actually have a chance to get the upgrade even if you dont pick up Jewels.Other than that, the next step is to use the Teapot.
Its not explicitly spelled out, but the proper place to use it is one of Neils parents.Well, thats not exactly the last thing I was expecting but its pretty high up there on the list.Ku ku ku soon this world will be wrapped in darkness. The previous owner of this body is now a skeleton sleeping under the shrine.Okay, I thought that was a murdered slave child. Not sure if this is better or worse, honestly.I finally realize how important my parents are to me. I wish I could have told them.Seems like its just a little bit late for that.Will just leave me alone for a while What the HELL, Will?
I just lost my parents.Welcome to the club. Good morning. Sorry about yesterday. I thought about it all night. Im next in line to inherit this company. If I want to stop the labor trade, I have to change the company that started it they make money on human misfortune.Probably for the best that way.
I think anybody else in charge would just keep the whole thing going.Heh heh. Youre embarrassing me. Kara, someones come asking about you.
Something about being an old friend.Um, Kara, theres something we need to talk about.What!!!!?Hey! Come in!Oink oink!What happened? Are you OK?Ha ha. Hes come all this way looking for you. No idea how he found you, but pigs are strange.Even if Im losing my traveling companions, my allies are increasing!I just dont understand women.You and me both, buddy. And since were the only guys left here except for Hamlet, thats important.That is where the laborers home is located.
Lets go!Sounds like a plan to me, Im kind of done with this place.Leaving out weve got an adorable Hamlet following Kara, as well as Erik. Im starting to wonder what kind of horrible thing will happen to Erik at this point. At any rate, we dont need to do any backtracking so this is our next destination.Kara, this is the tropics. Just in case the plants werent a clue.I see the world tilted, my eyes blurred.Theres nothing we can do. Lets stay in this village today.Should we go into the houses?If the place is haunted, its haunted all over. The houses cant be any worse.Before going into the houses, weve also got a Dark Space to save and heal.
Were not in any danger, but theres something fairly significant coming up.In addition to three presumably creepily lifelike statues, this room has a Red Jewel hidden in the pot by the door. Thats not the only thing in here, but well have to come back later for it.Which means theyve been gone for a little while, but not too long Thats good. We can rest if we want. Im exhausted.
I feel like sleeping for days.I agree. Lets rest today.Sounds like a good idea. Hamlet, youre on guard.What Hamlet let me sleep a while longer Uhhn What? Will dont be so noisy Wait, youre not Hamlet!AH! Who are you?!A few minutes laterLook. Those children look so upsetThats right the servant boy said that in Freejia.
Theres so much famine in this country What what are you saying Will?I wouldnt be so sure that those people starved. They look awfully serious about that fire theyre building.Oh, no! Well be next!!Hamlet why such a sad look? Its as if well soon be separated Hamlet!! Hamlet!!He.jumped in the fire? Hamlet Why?That is the question.
Whether tis nobler to have the bacon or the cho no, Kara would kill me either way.Hamlet!One baby pig could save many villagers.Mother?Will and everyone in this place Darkness is approaching the world. You must combine your strength to save the planet.Thanks for showing up and telling me that after Id already picked up two thirds of the statues.Dont you sass me!
I may be dead, but that doesnt mean Ill put up with any of your lip.Yes maam!Thats a good boy. Now, off with you to go save the world.Brothers, sisters, husbands, wives. How do they cope?Mostly by killing travelers and eating their least favorite relatives.
Remember, what almost happened to us?I have a feeling that neither of you are going to be much help for a while.Pork is amazing.Maybe she wont notice if I just take a Will, leave Hamlet be. Hes for the villagers, since he wasnt their friend.He WAS my friend.
Now hes delicious.No!Fine, have it your way. Zup arena vegas. You hang out at the barbecue, Im going to this temple that are new friends marked for me.Ankor Wat. Sounds like a nice place.Next update: It is not a nice place.
Gaming Intelligence Agency - SNES - Illusion of Gaia Although not nearly as overlooked as its predecessor, SoulBlazer, Illusion of Gaia doesn't often get the credit it deserves. In a growing world of turn based, multiple character RPGs, Gaia takes gamers to a different level with its innovative world and eye for peculiar details. The game has pretty animated sprites on colorful backgrounds, and the smallest effects are noticeable, such as the drifting flowers petals across the town of Freesia, or the gently bobbing platforms of the floating city, Watermia. Many of the dungeons are based on real life places, like the Incan ruins and the Great Wall of China, and these references, however unusual, really add to the game if one pays attention to them. Will's narration The star of the story is young Will, a seemingly ordinary boy who resides in the small town of South Cape with his grandparents. Will's father was lost long ago on an expedition to Babel Tower, a seemingly stereotypical beginning to the plot.
In addition, there's a 'Chaos Comet' that returns every 800 years to rain destruction and evil on the planet, which is somehow connected to the disappearance of Will's father and the exploration party. It's only when Will starts hearing strange voices in his head and developing telekinetic powers that a truly odd adventure begins.The friends' seashore hangout Although Will is technically the only playable character, the NPCs in this quest play a vital role in the story and also provide some comic relief from his battles with the enemies.
Each important character's dialogue is a different color, making it easy to tell who's speaking, and also adding a bit of definition to their personalities. Kara, the spoiled brat Princess who comes along to escape her crazy father, turns out to be much more thoughtful and important than you expect (and her little pet pig, Hamlet, also plays an important, if unexpected role in your quest). Will's other crazy friends - Lily, who can morph into a dandelion, Lance, whose father was also lost in the expedition, Seth, who is extremely smart and inventive, and Erik, the little rich boy of South Cape - follow him in his journey, constantly getting themselves into trouble. A story that could be trite and irritating becomes entertaining if you pay attention to how the characters interact. Will gains a level In contrast to traditional RPG gameplay, Will doesn't gain levels by experience, and the gamer has only limited control over how strong he can grow.
Similar to the second Zelda, Will has an attack power, a defense power, and a life meter. When he defeats a certain number of enemies in any given dungeon, he receives a 'force' that raises one of these levels. He can also collect dark gems to gain extra lives.

Raising levels would be simple except for the fact that if the gamer misses just one enemy, the force won't appear. Missing one means a level Will won't have later, since the game has just enough levels built in to raise him to the highest level. It might seem crazy to run from room to room looking for one enemy dot on your map, but in the end it's completely necessary, and it's the little details like this that make Illusion of Gaia unique.Will's mysterious power Will's initial weapon is a flute that he uses to hit enemies and also to play melodies that not only unlock dungeon secrets, but also affect the storyline. In addition, Will can use the flute as a way to center his telekinetic powers and move statues and rocks out of his way. (Who ever knew a simple flute could do so many things?) As if Will's choice weapon wasn't unusual enough, he also has a guardian that watches over him during the game, granting him special powers and abilities.
Gaia appears during the game as a starry black portal, and when Will (who is the only person on the entire planet who can see these mystical gates) steps through, he is transported to a special dimension where the sound of a ticking clock gives the impression that time is of the essence. Over the course of the game, Gaia allows Will to morph into two other forms granted to him by the spirits of Freedan, a knight, and Shadow, a luminous being that can liquify himself. These two forms are also essential to completing portions of Will's quest, as each has unique powers that are needed to solve specific puzzles. Map screen The game runs essentially in one mode, a 3/4 view, for all towns, castles, dungeons, etc. Navigation of the map screen isn't totally controllable in that you select certain locations to move to and the game takes you there automatically. Another detail to consider over the course of the game is the fact that after a certain amount of time it's impossible to backtrack to the start of your quest. This forces the gamer to be careful and thorough when searching for treasures, and adds to the replay value since you must begin again to find the things you missed.
Strangely enough (though one should be used to oddities when playing Gaia), there isn't any money in the game, so there are no weapons or items to buy, but Will can collect red jewels, which, when traded in to Gem the Jeweler, produce special items or abilites. As an added side quest, if Will manages to find all fifty of the jewels, certainly no easy task, Gem will let him into a special stage. Illusion of Gaia, a game that could have easily fallen prey to being a mimic of other more popular games, instead stands on its own as a unique adventure.
Just as Soulblazer was appreciated and even cherished by its fans, so Gaia, for all its unique oddities and entertaining, well developed story and characters, is worth the time put into it. If you pay attention to all the little details, you realize just how much is woven into its intricate tapestry.Retrospective by. Illusion of GaiaDeveloperEnixPublisherNintendoGenreAction RPGMediumCartridgePlatformSNESReleased1994FAQ / Game Genie codes15 screen shotsWorld map.