Jak And Daxter 2 Walkthrough

Jak And Daxter 2 Walkthrough 6,0/10 876 reviews

Hanging in Gnawing Lerker area. Same height asthe power cell. It is easy to shoot and find.On the way to the Robot area. It is harder toshoot, easy to hit, and easy to find.Near Dark Cave entrance. It is easy to shoot andfind.

Use platforms to hit.Near Dark Cave entrance. Waterpark in san antonio texas. Cross Dark Eco withplatforms. You should be able to find some cleanwater on the other side of some Dark Eco.

Welcome to Apocanow! This article talks about the walkthrough and the complete guide of Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. You can find, in separate pages, also trainers, achievements and cheats. Do you have more secrets to share about this videogame? Inderal dosage. Send it to us without problems! Walkthrough. This right here is the meat and bones of this strategy guide. In this section you will be given instructions on how to get every single one of the 101 Power Cells that are scattered throughout the game's 16 stunning areas, plus some boss strategies and information on locations of some hard to get Precursor Orbs and all of the Scout Flies.


Youmust use the rolling jump (L1 or R1 and jump whenyou finish rolling) or you cannot get across theDark Eco. Swim down and get close enough and itwill explode. It is difficult to get to.In Dark Cave, after you pass the second hangingspider and before the first rotating platform.Near the crystal that is after the second spider,you can find some clean water. Swim down and getclose enough and it will explode. To defeat Gol and Maia, first access all Sages attheir citadel. After hitting the three Sages thatare reachable (Blue, Yellow, And Red), platformswill rise. Daxter will tell you to go up them.There are rotating platforms that are difficultto get on.

Once at the top, follow the trailaround until you see the lamp to the Green Sage.Hit it and an intermission sequence will start.The Green Sage will tell you about Gol and Maia'srobot. Go through the door to your immediateleft. Hit the elevator button to go up. Hit allthe chests on top, as you will need them. Hoponto the platform with the Blue Eco. You will nowbe with the giant robot. Pick up the Yellow Ecothen jump and fire to break the robot's energyshield.

Maia will yell, and a floating drone willbe released. Get to the Blue Eco and go to thelaunch pad. Wait until about the third or fourthtone, then press X to launch yourself away fromthe blast.

Once back down, the robot will shootGreen Eco into the Dark Eco pool. Dark Ecocreatures will appear. Use the Yellow Eco to killthem all. Then, go to the Blue Eco vent andrepeat the process with the floating drone. Onceback down, the robot will shoot out about five orsix red spheres. They cause a wave. Grab theYellow Eco, and while jumping over the waves,shoot at the robot to break off a weapon.

Repeatthe process of the floating drone once more.Then, grab the Yellow Eco again then try anddodge the fireballs the robot throws. Shoot atthe arm until it breaks. The ending sequence willbegin. Then, if you have not already done so, goback to each location to complete each task.Collect 101 Power Cells to open the door on topof Gol and Maia's Citadel.