Rogue Galaxy Weapons
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Sep 04, 2010 I wouldn't call this a bug, so I'm posting this finding here, but I get these weird black backgrounds on certain weapon models in Rogue Galaxy (Dragon Quest 8 as well, but I don't have a screen shot of that game) and for the life of me, I can't figure out what the cause would be. Rogue Galaxy has 35 trophies that can be earned. View all the trophies here.
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If in doubt, tag it. To tag: !X kills Y! It's a very good one and part of the Dark Cloud heritage (If you don't have those, add Dark Cloud 1 & 2 to your list. If you're in EU, they have a different name).
It's an action RPG, which is fairly common among JRPGs. Another thing that FF XII and Rogue Galaxy have in common for me is that I put in close to 200 hours each in my first playthrough getting everything and doing everything.What Dark Cloud & Rogue Galaxy are most known for are the weapons. You can combine any two weapons, and you will usually end up with a better one. Each weapon can also be improved with elemental strengths. The strategy guide for Rogue Galaxy has several pages for every character that is nothing but charts listing every possible weapon combination in a giant grid. Every character has 2 different weapon types (primary & secondary). Each character has 50 different primary weapons and 35 secondary weapons.
The hero has additional primary weapons. There are 8 playable characters. There are over 700 weapons in the game, and you will not be getting them all. Rogue Galaxy is a good game, but I feel I should warn you about some of the problems with it.
The game is so widely praised that it's issues are easy to forgive, but for someone like me were a big barrier to ever becoming fully invested in the title.The weapon combination system is fun, sometimes even addictive, but it's also a bit of a draw back. Since the weapons get more powerful as you combine them you are essentially expected to always have much more powerful weapons than are available at shops.
Buying new weapons aren't for you to use, but for you to combine with and make even more powerful weapons.The problem is that in order to combine a weapon you have to have used it in a certain number of battles, which creates quite a bit of grinding. The fights can be quite difficult if you don't have the best weapon available to you, and in order to get that weapon you need to combine A and B so you have to grind with both, but to get B you needed to combine C and D so you needed to grind with those as well, etc., etc.If it wasn't for the painfully long introductory portion of the game as well as all the grinding I would have loved it, and in its defense many people do love it, but I just wanted to warn you of that point which is often glossed over. I'm going to have to go ahead and say 'stay the hell away from that game' and I'll tell you why in several important reasons:-Story: You'll meet several non playable characters that the game seems to indicate as important yet as you go on, you start to forget the existence of these characters because the plot is handled so poorly that it feels like people just get forgotten or under utilized to make an engrossing plot.-Visuals: The game's graphics are beautiful, I'll give it that. Where it takes a major nosedive is the dungeon. This is probably because Level 5 was so used to making randomly generated dungeons in Dark Cloud 2 that they eventually just said 'fuck it, slap something together at the last minute' when it comes to the dungeons for Rogue Galaxy. They're bland, generic, look exactly the same throughout the entire level, etc.The playable characters: Remember what I said about the NPCs? It's much worse here.
Jasper and Kisala, the main leads, have the most cliche character origin. If that doesn't bother you, then you'll surely love the six other characters who tag along most of whom are also boring and lack any real motivation to hang around the Dorgenark.-Battle System: My biggest issue. It's probably one of the worst real time battle systems I've played in a while. If you're stuck at a hard boss, don't think grinding is going to help at all.
Boss battles are more of a test of not getting hit as much as possible because no matter how much HP you have, you will always get downed in 2-3 hits. This is extremely bothersome especially when dealing with multiple foes, resorting to having to pause, go to your items, select a random potion and spam it on someone until they're fully healed. No five second cooldown between item use either like in other real time action RPGs, you're free to just shove potions down your party member's throat. Some might welcome this but I found it rather lame. Also keep in mind that your team isn't smart. They're not going to be agile enough to block like you'll be, so you're going to have to babysit most of the battle.Combat is strictly mashing the attack button until your stamina gauge wears down, blocking, building the stamina gauge back up, and repeating.It's strictly like this because skills are almost an after thought. The reason why I love games like Star Ocean and Tales series is for the heaping load of skills I get to unleash in battle.
Rogue Galaxy's answer to skills are just various buffs/debuffs and that's pretty much it. I think there's a few offensive attacks but why even bother using them when your regular attack is so much better?The game's setting and music can draw people in but when you really get into the mechanics of the game, it's lacking a lot of the things that are meant to make a JRPG good. You were definitely missing something when it comes to the combat if that's how you saw it.
The trilogy consists of three parts of the Nazi Zombie Army. 001f- This is a very interesting spin-off of the Sniper Elite series, in which we deal with the elimination of undead Nazis. Sniper elite 4 system requirements test. The game was released on several platforms - PS3, X360, PC, PS4 and XONE.
If anything, skills are ridiculously overpowered. Even halfway through the game, certain skills will literally wipe out an entire group of enemies with just one cast.You're also criticizing a game for not making you grind, and instead being more based on player skill to succeed? Most people are clamoring for more of this, not more grinding.And I don't remember ever having a problem with dieing in 2-3 hits outside of specific fights. But that's the point. Dodging and blocking are there for a reason, and are integral to the combat system. You can't just sit there and soak everything with a massive HP pool. It's been a while since I've played so I've probably got the part about the skills wrong.
But I know the majority of the skills are mainly buffs/debuffs, rather than the cool variety of skills you'd see in other JRPGs.That part about grinding I'm sure I worded wrong so I'll edit that. What I meant about the grinding part is that if you're stuck at a hard boss, your instinct is going to be to grind a bit so you'll get stronger. That won't matter because you will get downed in 2-3 hits no matter what, all the enemies are designed to be heavy hitters like that.
Dodging and blocking are an integral part to any real time combat system in pretty much any type of game.The problem isn't that the punishment shouldn't be so severe for a game like Rogue Galaxy, not saying you should be able to soak up everything with a massive HP pool. This isn't supposed to be Dark Souls. This doesn't give the game a 'fun challenge', it just makes it repetitive having to go into the menu and shove potions down your characters throats when you get slapped like two times.
This is true, bosses had a very easy pattern to analyze so the game didn't feel impossible by any the end I guess it depends on what your perspective of 'challenge' is in a JRPG when you're looking at a game like Rogue Galaxy. I like JRPGs that are meant to be difficult, I don't mind at all.But a game like Rogue Galaxy seems terribly unbalanced in how it handles it. Play a Tales game on hard mode, blocking and dodging becomes vital like it should be. Enemies will hit harder but just enough to the point where it doesn't feel unfair.
That's what Rogue Galaxy needs to fix should it ever get a sequel of any kind. Make the battles fun and challenging, not boring and annoying. The only really fun part is fusing weapons, which honestly is very simplistic compared to other weapon fusion systems. The dungeons are all essentially maze-like corridors with really bland design.
The story sounds like it will be fucking awesome: space pirates! It's actually boring and generic. The combat is also really boring and sometimes super frustrating when you get an enemy you can only hurt by jumping and slashing at its head like 50 times. The character progression system is kind of fun, though-you unlock skills by attaching items to characters. Overall it's really just an ok game-sometimes fun, sometimes boring, but not necessarily something you have to experience. You get the sense that it could have been much grander but they settled for less.