Syberia Ii Walkthrough
Syberia - Walkthrough An FAQ/Walkthrough forSyberiaGuide InformationAuthor: Tom HayesE-mail: tomhayes83(at)hotmail(dot)comSystem: PCUpdated: 12th November, 2003Version: 2.0Contents1. Copyright InformationVersion History2.0 - 12th November, 2003: Updated the format.1.0 - 24th May, 2003: First version.1.
IntroductionSyberia is an excellent adventure game made by Microids. It involves a lawyernamed Kate Walker, who travels to the quiet town of Valadilene to close theVoralberg business, which is responsible for creating a number of robot-likecreations known as automatons. Upon discovering that the owner of the businesshas passed away, she hears of an heir named Hans Voralberg who ran away fromValadilene to look for mammoths. She soon finds an automaton engineer calledOscar, and together they travel across Europe on their search for Hans.2. Walkthrough- Valadilene -The game starts in a quiet hotel in Valadilene. Attempt to get the suitcasenear Jane, and then walk over to the counter to view the bell and the statue.Get the small reception bell key at the right side of the bell, and use it inthe statue.
Press the red button to ring the bell, and ask the manager abouthelp to go to room 6. After he leaves the room, walk over to the table and getthe fax from Edward Marson. Open the inventory and use the phone to dial12458902, and then press send to call Marson.Open the door to exit the room, walk downstairs and ask the manager about theMission to receive the second fax from Marson. Walk to the left side of theroom and get the four cog wheels: Two from the floor at the left side of thetable and two on the table. Exit the view of the table and run back up to theright side of the room. Get the advertising brochure from the board near thegreen plant, and then exit the hotel.Outside the hotel, run down the path to the road and run left three times tofind Alfoter's house.
Get the newspaper on the bench for more information onAnna Voralberg, and then run up the steps to view an automaton holding out it'shand. Pull the middle lever to make the automaton look at the hand, put fax 2in the hand, and pull the right lever to enter the house. Open the door at theleft side of the waiting room to enter Alfoter's room, and sit in the leftchair to talk to Alfoter.Ask him about the Mission to find out that Anna has an heir named Hans, who islocated somewhere in Siberia. After receiving the letter from Alfoter, exit hisroom to return to the waiting room.
Kate follows the clues to finding Brother Alexei's journal, in which she finds the Youkol way to cure Hans of his fever. If you like the walkthrough, please rate, comment and subscribe.
Get the telescopic key from the coathangerat the right side of the waiting room, and exit the house. Run right twice, andlook at the door at the right side of the road. Put the telescopic key in thetop automaton, turn the key in the bottom automaton, and pull the lever to openthe door. Run up the path to arrive at the fountain.Run along the right path and walk to the front of the house. Run along the pathat the side of the house, and continue right to see a ladder machine at theback of the house. We'll need a key to make it work first, so continue past themachine and enter the hedge maze. Take the left path at the junction, and thentake the first path on the right to see a bowl with a key in it.
The medical people are sympathetic, while having to adhere to the stringent rules of seven operations and if you still don't look right you're out! Twilight zone eye of the beholder imdb. This is one such state that decides that a woman must have her face changed to fit in with the others.
Get theVoralberg key, and exit the maze to return to the back of the house.Walk near the ladder machine and use the Voralberg key in it to raise theladder. Use the ladder to climb up to the room at the top of the house.
Walk tothe left side of the room and open the desk to get Anna's diary and the inkbottle. Close the desk and run to the right side of the room. Use the lightbulb, and Momo will enter the room. Talk to Momo, and after explaining that hewants a picture of a mammoth, he will give you the pencil and paper.Exit the conversation and run back to the right side of the room to see a faintoutline of a mammoth on the top beam.
Look at the mammoth outline and use thepencil and paper to trace the drawing. Give the pencil tracing of the mammothto Momo and climb out of the window.
Run left at the bottom of the ladder, andcontinue down the path to the fountain. Run down the bottom path, and followMomo all the way down to the gate at the end of the road.After Momo opens the gate, run through it and follow the long path through theforest to find Momo. Run up the steps and use the handle to try and open thedam. Run down the steps and ask Momo to Help. He'll try, but the lever willbreak off.
Get the lever, run back down the steps, and continue left along thepath to the boat. Use the lever to to try and get the oar from the left side ofthe boat, and then go back to the right and ask Momo to Help get the oar.After Momo gets the oar, run right and ask him to Help open the dam. Run downthe steps, and follow the path leading up to the river to enter the cave. Runto the far side of the cave and get the mammoth toy doll.
Exit the cave, andrun all the way back down the long path to the road. Run right three times, andgo through the gate at the right side of the road to return to the fountain. Godown the top-left path and walk up the steps to enter the building.Pull the lever on the post, and a claw will take a barrel to the warehouse.Return to the fountain and run down the top-left path to enter the warehouse.Run left twice and use the automaton at the left side of the room to carry thebarrel to the start of the assembly line. Open the door, and run over to theright side of the room. Use the handle to lower the automaton named Oscar, andthen run over to the left side of the room to talk to him.Ask Oscar about Production and he will give you a card. Exit the room and openthe door at the far right side of the warehouse to enter the control room.
Walkto the south side of the room and pull the chain to lower the windmill. Pullthe lever and exit the room.
Run left twice and climb up both sets of steps tofind the machine that controls the assembly line. Look at the machine, pull thebottom-right switch to activate line 3 and press the left button three times.Use Oscar's card in the slot and press the right button to create Oscar's legs.Exit the view of the machine and run down to the bottom of the steps. Get thewooden legs at the end of the assembly line, and then give the wooden legs toOscar. Exit the room, run right twice and open the door to exit the warehouse.Run down the path to return to the fountain, and go up the top-right path toenter the train station.Run south and walk up the steps at the bottom-right corner of the area. Openthe door to enter the train and ask Oscar about the Mission. Exit the train,walk down the left steps, and talk to Oscar in the ticket office. Ask him aboutthe Mission to receive the train release permit and the train ticket.
Exit thestation to return to the fountain, and run down the bottom path to return tothe road. Walk left twice and enter Alfoter's house.Walk to the left side of the room and look at the ticket stamp on the desk. Putthe ink bottle under the hat of the statue and put the train release permit onthe tray. Press the red button to approve the permit.
Get the permit, exitAlfoter's house, and run right along the road to the cemetary. Run along thepath at the right side of the church and open the door at the end of the path.Run over to the right side of the room and move the crucifix to get the key.Look at the desk to see five drawers.Use the key in the keyhole at the top-right corner of the desk and open thesecond drawer to get the purple punch card. Open the third drawer and turn thehandle at the right side of the desk to get the Voralberg key and the priest'sconfession.
Exit the room and run north up the path. Look at the panel at thetop of the steps near the elevator. Put the four cog wheels on the spindles andpull the right lever to to ride the elevator up to the top floor.Look at the automaton at the left side of the room and put the purple punchcard in the slot to lower the hat of the automaton near the crypt. Ride theelevator down to the path and run left to the crypt at the other side of thecemetary. Look at the hat and use the Voralberg key in it to open the crypt.Enter the crypt and open the Hans Voralberg drawer.
Look at the coffin and getthe Valadilene voice cylinder and press cuts. Exit the crypt and the cemetary,run left down the road and return to the fountain.Run down the left path to enter the warehouse and open the door at the top ofthe first set of steps on the left. Look at the cabinet at the right side ofthe room and pull the ninth book on the top shelf to reveal the gramophone. Usethe Valadilene voice cylinder in the gramophone, and a cutscene will be shownwhere Hans attempts to get the mammoth toy doll from the top of a tall pillarin the cave and falls.After the cutscene, get the Hans-Anna mechanical toy from the top of thegramophone and exit the warehouse to return to the fountain. Run up thetop-right path to enter the train station. Run south, go up the path on theright and continue over to the right platform of the station.
Run south, turnthe wheel on the machine, and then pull the lever on the left to wind the gearsin the train. Turn the wheel. Walk north, go up the path on the left and openthe door to enter the train.Run left to the museum on the train.
Put the Hans-Anna mechanical toy on thestand in the middle of the room and put the mammoth toy doll on the platform atthe bottom-right corner of the room. Look at the shelves and put the Valadilenevoice cylinder on the top-left platform and the music cylinder on the top-rightplatform. Run back up the train and give Oscar the train release permit and thetrain ticket to leave Valadilene.- Barrockstadt -Exit the train, walk down the left steps and run right along the platform. Godown the steps at the end of the platform and run along the path until Katesees the winding machine. Run back to the station and Oscar will say that hehas received a message. Enter the train and Oscar will explain that Kate hasbeen summoned to meet the rectors of the university. Exit the train, walk downthe left steps and run over the bridge on the left.Walk through the doors on the other side of the bridge to exit the station.
Runalong the path on the left and walk down the steps to talk to the man on theboat. Ask him about Help, and he will agree to move the train for 100 dollars.Walk back up the steps, go up the steps on the right, and run through thecourtyard to enter the university. Walk to the middle of the floor and runright to talk to Professor Pons near the mammoth.Ask him about Hans to find out that the toy mammoth doll was made by theYoukols in north Siberia. Run back to the middle of the university and open thefirst door on the left to enter the library.
Run left along the path at theside of the library and climb the ladder to get the mushroom guide. Run leftonce and walk down the steps to the study area.
Get the blue Amerzone book onthe bottom-right table, and then run up the steps to exit the library.Run left and open the door to enter the rector's office. Walk down the redcarpet to the massive desk at the end of the hall, and ask the rector's aboutSauvignon. Ask them about money, and they will agree to reward you will 100dollars if the bandstand in the courtyard is fixed.
Exit the rector's officeand run back to the right side of the university to ask Pons about Sauvignon.Exit the university and return to the train in the station.Run right to the museum on the train and get the mammoth toy doll from theplatform. Exit the train and walk down the left steps to the platform. Run upthe next set of steps on the left, and continue down the steps to arrive on thebeach. Get the hook at the right side of the beach, and ask the stationmasterabout Sauvignon. Run up the steps and talk to the stationmaster about Sauvignonon the right bridge. Exit the station and return to the university.Run right and talk to Pons about Sauvignon. Give him the mammoth toy doll, andhe will open the laboratory.
Enter the laboratory and look in the cupboard atthe top-left corner of the room to get the Barrockstadt voice cylinder from themiddle shelf. Exit the view of the cupboard and run to the left side of thelab. Look at the bottom-right table and get the Yangala-cola powder and thetest tube holder. Exit the laboratory and return to the rector's office.Ask the rectors about Sauvignon to find out that it is grown in a secret gardenbehind the station. Exit the university and enter the train station. Ask thestationmaster on top of the bridge about Sauvignon, and he will open the gateto the garden. Run left across both bridges and run up the long path to enterthe garden.
Run to the far side of the garden to get the Sauvignon grapesgrowing on the plants, and then return to the station.Run back down the path to the platform, and run right to find the cuckoos atthe bottom of the ladder. Give the grapes to the cuckoos, and climb up bothladders to the next at the top. Look in the next and use the test tube holderto get the cuckoo's egg.
Exit the station and return to the courtyard of theuniversity. Run across the bridge to the bandstand and look at the door on theother side. Put the cuckoo's egg in the scale and enter the bandstand.Climb down the ladder and pull the lever at the right side of the room to startthe band playing. Enter the university and run left to the rector's office. Askthem about Money to receive the 100 dollars, and then exit the university. Rundown the steps at the other side of the courtyard, and go down the steps on theleft. Give the money to theman on the boat, and he will throw the lock key ontothe path.
Get the key and run up the steps to return to the station.Run left twice and look at the machine near the door. Look at the number padand use the lock key in the key hole. Enter 4, 2, and press the bottom-leftbutton to lower the water level. Exit the station and run down the steps on theleft. Talk to the man on the boat about Docks, and run up the steps to returnto the station. Run left twice and look at the number pad on the machine. Enter4, 1, and press the bottom-left button to raise the water level.Run left twice and cross over the bridge.
Walk down the right steps and runright twice. Ask the man on the boat about Help, and he will throw the chain tothe platform. Use the hook on the chain, and the boat will pull the trainfurther up the track. Run down the steps on the right and continue along thepath until Kate receieves the call from Pons. Return to the university.
Walk tothe middle of the floor and run up the steps at the left side of the mammoth.After the lecture has finished, walk down the steps on the left and run rightto the laboratory. Run to the left side of the lab and get the paleontologynotes and toy mammoth doll from the table. Exit the university and return tothe station. Cross over the bridge, walk down the steps on the right andcontinue right to exit the station. Run left along the path twice and walk overthe ledge on the train to the platform on the other side.Turn the wheel on the machine, and then pull the lever on the right to wind thegears in the train. Enter the train and run left to the museum. Put the mammothtoy doll on the platform at the bottom-right corner of the room, and put theBarrockstadt voice cylinder on the stand in the middle of the room.
After thecutscene, run left twice and ask Oscar about the Mission to ride the trainfurther along the track to the border post.Exit the train, walk down the left steps and run left to the back of the ticketoffice. Open the door to the tower and walk up to the top of the steps. Runleft over the bridge, and open the door to enter the guard's room. Talk toCaptain Malatesta and ask him about the Mission to find out that there is ahorseman outside. Look in the telescope and press the right red button twice todiscover that the horseman is just a dead tree.Exit the view of the telescope and look at the desk.
Use the wine bottle andthe Yangala-Cola powder on the wine glasses, and exit the view of the desk togive the captain the wine. After he looks through the telescope and realiseshis mistake, he will give you the exit visa. Exit the tower and give the exitvisa to Oscar in the ticket office to receive the train ticket. Enter the trainand give Oscar the train ticket to leave Barrockstadt.- Komkolzgrad -Exit the train and walk down the right steps.
Run up the platform and Oscarwill explain that the train gears have unwound. Run left twice and climb theladder to the bedroom. Look at the cupboard at the top-left corner of the roomand get the Komkolzgrad voice cylinder, Hans' Designs and the handle. Exit theview of the cupboard and look at the panel near the window. Put the handle inthe slot and push the handle forward twice to move the statue near the train.Press the red button to wind the gears of the train, and then pull the handleback twice to move the statue back to the ladder. Exit the view of the paneland exit the bedroom to return to the station. Run up the platform and enterthe train.
Run down to the end of the train and talk to Oscar to find out thathis hands have been taken. Walk to the left side of the room and get the metalsheers from the floor. Walk left to the musueum and put the Komkolzgrad voicecylinder on the stand in the middle of the room.After the cutscene, run left twice and open the door to exit the train. Walkdown the right steps to the platform, and run up the platform to the statue.Climb up the ladder to the bedroom, and look at the panel near the window. Pushthe lever forward once. Exit the view of the panel and exit the bedroom. Jumpover the gap to the ledge on the right and look at the window.
Use the metalsheers on the hole to enter the storage room.Run to the right side of the room and look at the shelf on the left. Get thespark plug and exit the view of the shelf.
Climb through the hole to exit thestorage room, and then climb up the ladder to the bedroom. Look at the panelnear the window and pull the lever back once to move the statue back to theladder. Exit the view of the panel and climb down the ladder to return to thestation. Run up to the other end of the platform and pull the lever to raisethe elevator. Enter the elevator to descend to the tunnel.Look at the machine at the left side of the tunnel and put the spark plug inthe slot.
Move the lever below the spark plug to turn on the lights, and thenenter the elevator at the other end of the tunnel to arrive in the factory. Runright and walk up the steps. Look at the automaton and get the screwdriver onthe left side of the pipe organ. Walk down the steps and run to the ladder atthe other side of the factory.Look at the panel on the ladder and use the screwdriver on the four screws toremove it. Climb up to the top of the ladder and open the door on the left toenter the control room. Talk to the director in the chair and ask him about theMission to find out that he is looking for a singer named Helena Romanski.
Exitthe control room and climb down the ladder. Run up the steps at the top-rightcorner of the room and walk through the door to enter the museum.Run to the right side of the museum and look at the desk to get the press cutsand letters to Helena. Carmageddon reincarnation 2.
Exit the view of the desk and run left to exit themuseum. Climb up the ladder and open the door to the control room. Open theinventory and select the cell phone. Press the down arrow twice and press sendto call Kate's mother, who will say that Helena may be found in Aralbad.
Talkto the director and tell him about Aralbad.Ask him about the Mission and exit the control room. Enter the monorail to rideto the space compound. Run down the path and walk up the steps to the rocket.Run right along the path and walk up the steps to enter the guard's house. Getthe vodka bottle at the right side of the house. After the cutscene where theguard falls over the rail, enter the house and look at the shelves at the rightside of the desk.
Get the key from the bottom shelf and the space projectcancellation letter from the middle shelf.Exit the view of the shelves and exit the house. Walk down the steps and runright twice to enter the cosmodrome. Run along the left path and walk up thesteps to the control room. Look at the panel on the right and get the Voralbergkey. Use the Voralberg key in the keyhole and push the lever forward. Open thehatch at the bottom-right corner of the panel and connect the two wires to turnon the system.Get the blood testing apparatus at the right side of the panel and exit thecontrol room. Exit the cosmodrome and run down the path to return to thesleeping guard.
Turn the wheel near the guard, and then run up the steps on theleft. Look at the panel and put the key in the keyhole. Move the bottom leverto the left, push the left lever forward, and push the right lever forward towake up the guard.
Walk down the steps and run right to the guard.Ask him about the Airship to receieve the airship key, and run right to returnto the cosmodrome. Walk up the steps at the right side of the cosmodrome anduse the airship key on the door to enter the airship. Pull the lever at theright side of the automaton, and then open the door to exit the airship. Run tothe left side of the cosmodrome to find the guard. Give him the blood testingapparatus, and then run up the steps to the control room.Put the blood testing apparatus in the slot, and press the first and secondbuttons to discover that the blood sample is not accepted by the machine. Pressthe top of the blood testing apparatus and Kate will add her blood sample.Press the second, third and fourth buttons, and the guard will fly away in thespacecraft. Open the door to exit the control room and run left at the bottomof the steps.
Get the crank handle from the floor and exit the cosmodrome.Run left twice, and walk up the steps on the other side of the rocket. Walkright and use the crank handle in the hole to blow the horn. After the cutscenewhere Soyouz catches a bird, walk down the steps and run right to return to thecosmodrome. Run up the steps at the right side of the cosmodrome and open thedoor to enter the airship. Pull the handle at the right side of the automatonto leave Komkolzgrad.- Aralbad -Open the door to exit the airship and run down the path to the fountain. Openthe door to enter the hotel and talk to the manager.
Run to the top-left cornerof the lounge and open the cupboard to get the detergent. Exit the hotel andpour the detergent in the fountain. Enter the hotel and open the curtains. Ringthe bell to talk to the manager, and he will rush outside after seeing thefountain. Run behind the counter and get the hotel brochure.
Press the redbutton, and then open the door at the top-left corner of the lounge.Run through the arch on the left to enter the dining hall. Run south and lookat the keypad near the gate. Enter 0968 and pull the lever to open the gate.Walk through the doorway and get the mask on the hook.
Open the door and rundown the pier to talk to Henena Romanski in the building. Look at the post onthe pier outside the building and get the bell. Run back to the other end ofthe pier and put the bell on the post. Pull the chain to ring the bell, andthen open the door to return to the hotel.Run south to exit the dining hall and run north through the arch.
Return to thedining hall and talk to James, who will leave to get Helena. When they return,ask Helena about Hans. Open the cupboard at the right side of the bar and getthe crystallized honey and lemon.
Run north to exit the dining hall and runsouth to the jacuzzi at the side of the pool. Turn the wheel and put thecrystallized honey in the jacuzzi to make the liquid honey.Return to the dining hall and look at the cocktail machine on the bar. Put thelemon, liquid honey and vodka in the slots on the machine.
Press the I/O (firstbutton), and press the second key. Pull the small lever at the right side ofthe bar and press the third key. Press the snowflake (second button), lemon(fourth button), honey (fifth button) and create (sixth button). Put thecrystal dish on the bar and talk to Helena. Exit the hotel and return to theairship to leave Aralbad.- Komkolzgrad -After the cutscene, look at the door to the cage and use the metal sheers onthe lock. Look at the pipe organ and use the screwdriver to remove Oscar'shands from the automaton.
Run down the steps and enter the elevator to ridedown to the tunnel. Run to the other end of the tunnel and pull the lever.Return to the other end of the tunnel and climb up the vent to arrive on theplatform. Run up the platform and talk to Oscar.
Run up the steps and enter thetrain. Exit the train and run down the right steps to the platform. Run up theplatform and use the dynamite on the leg of the statue to leave Komkolzgrad.- Aralbad -Open the door to exit the train, and walk down the right steps to the platform.Run to the other side of the platform and turn the wheel on the machine. Pullthe lever at the right side of the machine to wind the gears in the train. AskOscar about the Mission, and the manager of the hotel will say that a parcelhas been delivered. Enter the hotel and look at the parcel at the left side ofthe desk to get the mammoth automaton.
Open the door at the top-left corner ofthe lounge and run through the arch on the left to return to the dining hall.Talk to Helena. Run through the gate and talk to Hans to complete the game.3.
Item List- Valadilene -Advertising BrochureFound on the board near the green plant in the hotel. It explains the historyof Valadilene.Anna's DiaryFound in the desk at the left side of the attic in the Voralberg house. Itexplains why Hans ran away from Valadilene.Blue Punch CardFound in the fifth drawer of the desk in the room on the first floor of thechurch. It can be used in the slot at the back of the automaton on the topfloor of the church to ring the bells.Broken LeverFound after Kate asks Momo to Help open the dam near the secret cave.
It isused to pull the oar from the boat closer to the path.Fax 1The first fax from Edward Marson is found on the table in room 6 of thehotel. It explains to Kate that she is expected to close the businessnegotiations with Anna Voralberg.Fax 2After calling Edward Marson on the phone, the manager of the hotel will giveKate the second fax when asked about the Mission. It explains to Alfoter togive instructions of the business sale to Kate. It is put in the hand of theautomaton outside Alfoter's house.Green Punch CardFound in the fourth drawer of the desk in the room on the first floor of thechurch. It can be used in the slot at the back of the automaton on the topfloor of the church to ring the bells.Hans-Anna Mechanical ToyFound by using the Valadilene voice cylinder in the gramophone in the room atthe top of the first set of steps in the warehouse.
It is put on the stand inthe museum on the train.Ink BottleFound in the desk at the left side of the attic in the Voralberg house. It isput under the hat of the statue on the desk in Alfoter's house.KeyFound behind the crucifix in the room on the first floor of the church. It isused in the keyhole at the top-right corner of the desk.Large Cog WheelFound on the floor at the left side of the table in the hotel. It is one offour cogs used in the panel near the elevator at the side of the church.Letter From Anna to the NotaryAlfoter will give Kate the letter from Anna to the notary when he is askedabout the Mission.
It explans that Anna has an heir named Hans Voralberg.Mammoth Toy DollFound at the far side of the secret cave. It is put on the platform in themuseum on the train.Medium Cog WheelFound on the floor at the left side of the table in the hotel. It is one offour cogs used in the panel near the elevator at the side of the church.Music CylinderAfter pulling the ninth book from the shelf in the room at the top of thefirst set of steps in the warehouse, the music cylinder can be found on thegramophone. It is put on the top-right shelf in the museum on the train.Oscar's CardOscar will give Kate his card when she asks him about Production in thewarehouse. It is used to operate the assembly machine.Pencil and PaperMomo will give Kate the pencil and paper in the attic in the Voralberg house.It is used on the outline of the mammoth at the right side of the attic.Pencil Tracing of MammothMade by using the pencil and paper on the outline of the mammoth. It is givento Momo in the attic, who will show Kate the location of the secret cave.Press CutsFound in Han's coffin in the crypt. It explains Rudolph Voralberg's story ofhow Hans died.Priest's ConfessionFound at the back of the third drawer of the desk in the room on the firstfloor of the church.
It explains that he was tricked by Rudolph Voralberginto thinking that Hans was dead.Purple Punch CardFound in the second drawer of the desk in the room on the first floor of thechurch. It is be used in the slot at the back of the automaton on the topfloor of the church to lower the hat of the automaton in the cemetary.Reception Bell KeyFound at the right side of the bell on the desk in the hotel. It is used inthe statue to ring the bell.Red Punch CardFound in the first drawer of the desk in the room on the first floor of thechurch. It can be used in the slot at the back of the automaton on the topfloor of the church to ring the bells.Small Cog WheelFound on the table in the hotel. It is one of four cogs used in the panelnear the elevator at the side of the church.Telescopic KeyAfter talking to Alfoter about the Mission, the telescopic key is found onthe coathanger in his house. It is used to open the gate to the fountain.The Valadilene GazetteFound on the bench outside Alfoter's house. It contains information on AnnaVoralberg.Tiny Cog WheelFound on the table in the hotel.
It is one of four cogs used in the panelnear the elevator at the side of the church.Train Release PermitOscar will give Kate the train release permit in the ticket office at thestation when she asks him about the Mission. It is used with the ticket stampat Alfoter's house and is given to Oscar on the train.Train TicketOscar will give Kate the train ticket in the ticket office at the stationwhen she asks him about the Mission. It is given to Oscar on the train.Valadilene Voice CylinderFound in Han's coffin in the crypt. It is used with the gramophone in theroom at the top of the first set of steps in the warehouse. It is put on thetop-left shelf in the museum on the train.Voralberg KeyFound in the bowl in the garden maze. It is used in the machine at the backof the Voralberg house to raise the ladder.Voralberg KeyFound at the back of the third drawer of the desk in the room on the firstfloor of the church.
It is used in the hat of the automaton in the cemetaryto open the crypt.Wooden LegsFound after using Oscar's card in the assembly machine and selecting line 3.They are given to Oscar in the warehouse.- Barrockstadt -Amerzone BookFound on the bottom-right table in the study area of the university library.It contains information on the Amerzone cuckoo and the Sauvignon grape.Barrockstadt Voice CylinderFound on the middle shelf in the cupboard at the top-left corner of theuniversity laboratory. It is played on the stand in the museum on the train.Cuckoo's EggFound in the nest at the top of the ladder in the station.
It is put on thescale on the door to the bandstand in the courtyard of the university.Exit VisaAfter the captain in the tower has drunk the wine and the Yangala-Colapowder, he will give you the exit visa after he looks through the telescope.It is given to Oscar in the ticket office for the train ticket.HookFound on the beach at the left side of the station. After the man on the boathas been given the money, the hook is attached to the chain to pull the trainfurther up the track.Lock KeyAfter the man on the boat has been given the money, he will throw the lockkey onto the path. It is used to open the machine in the station.Mammoth Toy DollFound on the platform in the museum on the train. It is given to ProfessorPons in the university.Mushroom GuideFound at the right side of the shelf at the top of the ladder in theuniversity library. It contains information on the Yangala-Cola mushroom,which is said to improve vision.Paleontology NotesAfter Processor Pons has given the lecture on the Youkols, the paleontologynotes are found on the table in the laboratory. The notes contain informationon the legend of the ivory ark.Sauvignon GrapesFound at the back of the garden outside the station. They are given to thebirds at the bottom of the ladder in the station.Test Tube HolderFound on the bottom-right table in the university laboratory.
It is used toget the cuckoo's egg in the nest at the top of the ladder in the station.Train TicketOscar will give Kate the train ticket when he is given the exit visa. It isgiven to Oscar in the train to leave Barrockstadt.Wine BottleAfter getting the cuckoo's egg, the stationmaster will give Kate the winebottle before she leaves the station. It is used in the wine glasses in theguard's room at the top of the tower.Yangala-Cola PowderFound on the bottom-right table in the university laboratory.
It is used inthe wine glasses in the guard's room at the top of the tower.- Komkolzgrad -Airship KeyThe guard in the cosmodrome will give Kate the key when he is asked about theAirhip. It is used to open the door to the airship.Blood Testing ApparatusAfter the two wires have been connected on the control panel in the controlroom at the cosmodrome, the blood testing apparatus is found in the slot atthe right side of the panel. It is used on the guard in the cosmodrome, andis then returned to the slot in the control panel.Crank HandleThe guard will throw the crank handle down to the entrance of the cosmodromebefore he leaves in the spacecraft. It is used on the horn at the top of thesteps behind the rocket.DynamiteOn the second visit to Komkolzgrad, the dynamite is found in the crate at theleft side of the platform. It is used on the leg of the statue.HandleFound in the cupboard in the bedroom at the top of the statue. It is used inthe slot on the panel in the bedroom to move the statue.Hans' DesignsFound in the cupboard in the bedroom at the top of the statue. The designsshow that the winding mechanism for the train is in the foot of the statue.KeyFound in the cupboard in the guard's house near the cosmodrome.
It is used onthe control panel outside the guard's house.Komkolzgrad Voice CylinderFound in the cupboard in the bedroom at the top of the statue. It is playedon the stand in the museum on the train.Letters to HelenaFound in the drawer at the back of the museum in the warehouse. The lettersare about the director's obsession with Helena.Metal SheersAfter using the statue to wind the gears in the train, the metal sheers arefound in the bedroom at the end of the train.
After the statue has been movedforward once, the metal sheers are used to open the hole in the panel outsidethe storage room. On the second visit to Komkolzgrad, the sheers are used inin the lock on the door to the cage in the warehouse.Oscar's HandsOn the second visit the Komkolzgrad, Oscar's hands are found on teh automatonat the pipe organ in the warehouse.Press CutsFound in the drawer at the back of the museum in the warehouse. The presscuts are of Helena's career.ScrewdriverFound on top of the pipe organ in the warehouse. It is used to remove thefour screws from the panel on the ladder. On the second visit to Komkolzgrad,the screwdriver is used to remove Oscar's hands from the automaton at thepipe organ in the warehouse.Space Project Cancellation LetterFound in the cupboard in the guard's house near the cosmodrome. It explainswhy the space project was cancelled.Spark PlugFound on the shelf at the left side of the storage room. It is put in theslot on the machine in the tunnel.VodkaFound at the back of the guard's house near the cosmodrome.
It is put in theslot in the cocktail machine on the hotel bar in Aralbad.Voralberg KeyFound at the left side of the control panel in the control room at thecosmodrome. It is used in the slot on the control panel.- Aralbad -Crystal DishFound on the table in the hall north of the swimming pool in the hotel. Aftermaking the Blue-Helena cocktail, the crystal dish is put on the bar.Crystallized HoneyFound in the cupboard at the right side of the bar in the hotel. It is put inthe jacuzzi to make the liquid honey.DetergentFound in the cupboard at the top-left corner of the lounge in the hotel. Itis poured in the fountain outside the hotel.Hotel BrochureFound on the counter in the hotel. The phone number for the Hotel Meurite iswritten on the brochure, which can be called to find out the recipe for theBlue-Helena cocktail.James' BellFound on the post near the building at the end of the pier. It is used on thepost near the start of the pier.LemonFound in the cupboard at the right side of the hotel bar.
It is put in theslot in the cocktail machine on the hotel bar.Liquid HoneyMade by putting the crystallized honey in the jacuzzi. It is put in the slotin the cocktail machine on the hotel bar.Mammoth AutomatonOn the second visit to Aralbad, the mammoth automaton is found at the leftside of the counter in the hotel. It is not used in the game.Musical ScoreFound on the cocktail machine on the hotel bar. It lists the various drinksthat can be made by the cocktail machine.Temporary CodeAfter trying Helena's code (1270) on the keypad in the dining hall of thehotel, the temporary code card can be found in the locker room near thepool. It shows the temporary code (0968) to open the gate to the pier.4. Copyright InformationThis document is Copyright 2003 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in anyform without the permission of the author.
The author of this document is notaffiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version ofthis document can be found at
I honestly didn't even see the need for Syberia 3 (rated only 3/5 or 'mixed' vs 4.3/5 or 'very positive' of the originals). Sam2014: I don't know if anyone has posted this yet.But, they are making Syberia 4.I hope it is better than Syberia 3 was.At least incorporate many Save slots, better controls.Syberia 4/ well kind of required it given the ending of Syberia 3. Although they clearly missed the Steampunk stuff that predated the term. Oscar was a token gesture. And well that ending was a dead giveaway that there would have to be 4th. I didn't hate it. I'll give it a better rating when the next one comes out.
If they are smart and do so. Where they flunked was regular vs Deluxe. Not much difference. Reminds me of the Samsung S20 and 4-5 different versions of it. But in the world of games the reviews are harsher.